Well it’s Sunday morning, and I have a rare hour to myself as first born goes out to his street dance class with his dad, and I get to stay at home and put baby born down for a nap. So, cup of tea at the ready (my first cup of the day had to be microwaved, and I still didn’t finish it), here I am trying to figure out how to make my blog look good and get my head around some of the more techie stuff. Do I need a host? And plug-ins? Oh and what about widgets?! As an online journalist I should know some of this stuff already, but a year on maternity leave and my brain is feeling a little rusty!
Anyway, my hour to myself has resulted in a mega-fast tidy of tidy of the house, a few trips to the fridge for cheese (following the no calories when eaten standing up by the fridge rule) and a bit of a mess about on some photo editing apps. As I’ve lost my camera memory card and not yet admitted defeat and bought another, I’m only taking photos on my iPad at the moment. I just installed a few apps, Instaframe and font, and away I go! I just tried to make my first attempt as ridiculous as I could, I hope you like it.
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