After poking fun at the weird and wonderful things my son brings home in his pockets, it wouldn’t really be fair not to share some of the haul of debris I found while cleaning out the car today. Most of it was hidden beneath the back seat, like a treasure trove of half-melted Haribo and rusty hair grips. In the front, one of many car park tickets from what I’m sure is the place that requires the most skill and stealth to find a space in the modern world – Arrowe Park Hospital. As my husband was a resident of the local hospital between May and December last year, these were a regular feature of my car floor in 2013. Oh, and a pair of sunglasses belonging to my husband, who because of aforementioned illness hasn’t worn sunglasses in the car for at least a year. It’s the small things, but I’m feeling the lightness of spirit of shedding some rubbish from the motor. Next, to start on the house… If only I had a spare minute…
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