
How I tried ‘tapping’ out the trauma

Julia tapping

Julia tapping

I like to think I have a pretty open mind when it comes to complementary therapies. I don’t have any regularly, but I have tried a few different methods at various stages in my life. I’ve had reflexology, massage therapy, reiki and acupuncture, but I’d never tried tapping until a couple of weeks ago.

I first heard about tapping – also known as the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Thought Field Therapy (TFT) – when a friend of mine learnt how to use it to calm her anxiety, and raved about the results. I watched as she tapped on different parts of her face and hands, and thought, well, she actually looked a little bit crazy!

It involves tapping on different pressure points on your hands, face, head and chest repeatedly, to tune into energy pathways and correct any disruptions we may have. It works a little bit like acupuncture, but uses no needles, and can be done easily and fairly quickly on yourself once you learn the techniques.

The thought of trying tapping myself wasn’t on my radar at all until I wrote a post for Mumsnet at the start of the year. It was read by a lady called Yolanda Saez Castello, who commented saying she would love to help by offering me an introduction to tapping. How could I say no to that?

I spoke to Yolanda, who runs her practise Tap It Better from her Jersey home. About a week later I was booked in and had my first ever session in EFT from the comfort of in my lounge, over Skype.

Julia tapping head

When I watched my friend’s demonstration all those years ago I remember thinking how on earth would that have any effect on your emotions at all? You are just tapping the side of your hand – and looking strange while doing it! But like I said, I like to think my mind is open to all possibilities and if it worked for her, then maybe it could work for me.

Yolanda told me: “Brain scan research shows tapping reduces activity in the amygdala, the area of your brain that deals with stress and fear, and where the fight or flight response starts off.

“In essence, when you are in fight or flight, your body is behaving as if there was a tiger after you. When you get rid of the tiger, that’s when you can make good decisions, or simply move on from a traumatic experience and get on with your life.”

She said tapping can really help with trauma, feeling stressed out, or just worried.

“In these situations, your amygdala will be highly stimulated, and will receive comparatively more blood than other areas of your brain. When you can tone down that response through tapping, your emotional response to whatever caused it greatly decreases.”

No-one is saying tapping will change how I feel deep down about losing my husband. But what it could do is change the reaction I have when I think about all the terrible things that have happened over the past, I’d say three years. I had two sessions with Yolanda, both just over an hour long, and I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or not but I actually do feel able to think more clearly and process my thoughts a whole lot better these past few weeks.

So if that’s down to tapping then I will definitely take that, and thank Yolanda such a lot for reading my post and getting in touch. As she said, bereavement is trauma with a capital T and a classic example of how people can benefit from ‘toning down’ their feelings.

If you want to know more, please do have a look at Yolanda’s Facebook page.

I have my friend Karen to thank for taking these photos of me trying to look deep in thought while tapping!

x Julia

Julia tapping face http://rainbeaubelle,com

Tapping on hand

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  • Reply
    Mini Travellers/Mini Ventures
    February 4, 2016 at 9:18 pm

    Hurrah we got some decent ones. Great post. So glad it is working out for you.
    Mini Travellers/Mini Ventures recently posted…Stumble Upon Has Doubled My ViewsMy Profile

  • Reply
    February 4, 2016 at 9:57 pm

    Julia my hub is a counsellor and he uses EMDR which is similar but with eye movement. He has had fantastic results.
    Lorraine x
    Nortonmum recently posted…Talk about it Tuesday – charity share #1My Profile

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    Carol Ramsay
    February 4, 2016 at 11:27 pm

    My seventeen year old son does EFT for his anxiety and wears by it. Whatever works to help him I am happy with x

  • Reply
    Hayley (@hayleyfromhome)
    February 5, 2016 at 2:58 pm

    I haven’t heard of tapping before but I think anything that can help if worth a shot! It sounds really interesting and so good that you are finding it helpful, I don’t think it really matters whether complimentary therapies ‘work’ in a scientific way or not as long as you feel better for them that is the main thing xx
    Hayley (@hayleyfromhome) recently posted…Twins at TwoMy Profile

  • Reply
    February 5, 2016 at 6:30 pm

    Hi there.. I tried this to help me with my lifelong fear of enclosed spaces. Like you I am open minded about all therapies.. I control my claustrophobia really well. Most hotels.. hospitals.. museums etc are supportive when. I explain that I don’t ever use lifts and don’t enter rooms without a winow.

    Sadly this didn’t work for me and I’m still looking for a miracle cure! Ideas welcome. I hope it helps you though and that tapping becomes part of your life and increases your quality of life.

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    Katie LifeonVistaStreet Haydock
    February 5, 2016 at 9:50 pm

    I find this so interesting, and I think I’d be like yourself really – open minded!
    Side line – your skin looks amazing xXx
    Katie LifeonVistaStreet Haydock recently posted…GeronimooooooooooooMy Profile

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    sarah christie
    February 5, 2016 at 11:17 pm

    Karen has improved since our fashion shoot ha ha, I ma so glad this is working for you Julia, it must be great to have a method that you can use immediately, that you don’t need to carry any equipment for, I hope it continues to help xx
    sarah christie recently posted…Manchester in 48 hoursMy Profile

  • Reply
    February 6, 2016 at 9:18 am

    I have seen this technique used twice once for an eating disorder and another for a terrible fear of open spaces after a friend had her baby, both times the result were life changing in a very subtle way. I think like you, they were not quite sure if it was coincidence or not, but it really helped them. I had completely forgotten about it until I read your post, I’m so glad you found it or it found you! Great pictures too xx
    Lisa@intotheglade recently posted…Five On Friday!My Profile

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    Mackenzie Glanville
    February 7, 2016 at 12:04 am

    I have never heard of this, I think if it helps then go for it! I would be willing to try it. I think different therapies work for different people xx

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    Heledd _ Running in Lavender
    February 11, 2016 at 4:35 pm

    Oooh this sounds so interesting!! My sister-in-law did a similar course after a traumatic experience at work and I must admit it really worked for her too. I’m so glad it’s helping you and that you’ve found a technique that can help you going forward. Great pictures, by the way ; ) xxx
    Heledd _ Running in Lavender recently posted…My Captured Moment #58 {A Picture Link-up}My Profile

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    Mrs H
    March 5, 2016 at 5:44 pm

    I had never heard of tapping before. But I’ve had acupuncture, spiritual healing and hypnotherapy before. Like you I am very open minded. My opinion is, if these things help even just a little then it doesn’t matter if it is the placebo effect or not. Every little help to overcome the trauma you have been through is great. Hugs Lucy xxxx
    Mrs H recently posted…100happydays – part oneMy Profile

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