
A teepee sleepover

Sam at his sleepover

Sam at his sleepover

Sleepovers have a pretty bad rep don’t they? All sugar highs and tired eyes. After hosting our first group sleepover I can confirm this is all true, but they are also lots of fun too. Sam’s sleepover party was a good six months ago now and I hate to admit it, but this post has been in draft since then. Does that make me the slowest blogger ever?

My blog has been really neglected this year and when I say neglected, I pretty much mean shelved. I am trying to write a bit more these days though, and find having this space open to record some thoughts always helps to get me writing more regularly, so here I am again. It got to the point where even my mum said she was sick of looking at my blog and seeing a post about blueberry muffins, so I thought I’d better do something about it!

Sam turned 10 in April and to make his party extra special I hired some of those cool sleepover tents so he and his friends could camp out in the playroom. If you haven’t seen them before, they’re A-frame tents that come with mattresses and accessories, and you can choose from loads of different themes. We went for ‘camo camping’, with four in the playroom for the boys and one unicorn-themed tent in my bedroom for Flo.

Unicorn sleepover

Sam sign

Aside from looking great, I thought this would also mean they would hang out in their tents for the evening, watch a few movies maybe, play games and eat pizza. I thought I’d be pretty much redundant… but instead I was answering calls of ‘mum’, ‘Sam’s mum’ and the occasional ‘Julia’ until about 11pm, at which point I gave up and went to sleep!

The day after the party was Sam’s actual birthday but attempts at going out for a nice family lunch were pretty futile, as he was so tired he could hardly eat his cake. The oe in the photos is a doughnut cake that my mum made for him, it’s a simple idea and made at Sam’s request after he saw similar on that website This is the equivalent of an innovations magazine for kids, only it’s based in the States so postage is always way above the price of the product. I’m sure if you have children about the same age as mine you’ll know about it.

The tents were a great success though and so easy as someone else comes and does the set up for you. We used a company called Little Teepees (and no, I didn’t receive this to review, just giving them a mention because they’re fab.)

I’ll certainly be using them again – Flo has hers pencilled in!

Back soon (no more baking posts, I promise!)

x Julia

Flo tent

Close up of lights

Doughnut cake

Close-up of sleepover tray

Unicorn close-up

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  • Reply
    Isabella Mckay
    October 10, 2019 at 3:00 pm

    Lovely to see your blog.. can’t believe Sam is 10. San and flo are an absolute credit to you..x

  • Reply
    Janet Houston
    October 13, 2019 at 9:50 am

    Yippee ! Blueberry muffins have gone! Happy memories of Sams teepee party, all looked fab! Enjoyed looking back at the pictures! You re a brilliant Mum, always organising special things for Sam & Flo! Very proud of you! Xx

  • Reply
    Jayne Bryson
    March 25, 2020 at 8:33 pm

    Hi Julia, Sam and Flo. This is Jayne Bryson. I hope you don’t mind me contacting you this way. I just wanted to say I’m thinking of you all at this difficult time. Take care and keep safe. Xx

    • Reply
      January 27, 2022 at 8:01 am

      Hi Jayne, I have just seen your message, thank you so much for contacting me. We are all good thank you and still coping! Hope you are too! Julia xx

  • Reply
    Carl Pope
    May 29, 2021 at 11:54 am

    Hi Julia, I’ve only recently found out about Roger and wanted to send my heartfelt condolences to you and your young family. I was at Preston with Rog, we lived together, ran together and spent a wonderful few weeks travelling around Europe together. I’ve been searching the Internet for him for ages and finally got in contact with Jayne who told me the sad news. Taken far too soon, he was a great man. I do hope you get to read this. Carl xx

    • Reply
      January 27, 2022 at 7:50 am

      Carl, thank you so much for your message, I will email you now. I have neglected this blog so only just seen your message, but Roger talked about you and your travels so much 🙂 x Julia

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